Hai and assalamuailakum..
kowRanK !!
kowRank pena ta rase
diRi kowRank
ta dihaRgai ..
owAng wAt kowRank
cAm ta wuJud..
tuw La yanG teRjadi
kaT aku skunX..
Am I fOoL ?
ItU La aPew yanG aKu
raSe skaNg..
OwAng wAt aKu
ny cAm ta WuJud..
it's mY fAte
for BeinG an
UnLucky gIrL..
they will be happy if
i did not existence..
rase2 unX..
sAhAbAt kew kalO
dOwRanK wat
OwrAng yG dOwRank
AgP sBg
sAHAbAT tue
ta wujUd ?
ta HiRaUkAn
dOwRaNk tue ?
iTu kEw sAhAbAt ?
OkeY La..
caucincau ~
p/s : aku ta bole na rahsia lagi..
the more i kept it,
the more the pain i'll get ..