Apew? KoRang pelik erk ngan EnTry tiTle kali nyw? hehex.. xpyh pelik la ..
korang tue yg PELIK!! hehe.. just kidding~ jgn mrh erk..t cpt tua aw..(bg yg muda la..yg tua tue xkire coz korang da tua!!sory..just kidding~ :) ) Okeyh la..berbalik kpd title kite..
okey..korang jgn slh fhm atau slh erti atau ape2 yg sewaktu dgnnye,,FIGHTING di sini memberi erti BERUSAHA = CHAYO.. not means BERGADUH erk!! okey.. sy wt tjuk cmny coz sy nk teruskan usaha sy..usaha tuk terus CEMERLANG lam pelajaran..(ceh!sjk bile aq jdy RAJIN ny?)hehe..sy jdy RAJIN ny sjk naek form 2.. coz taon dpn i'm one of the PMR's VICTIM!! noooooooooooOO!! huhu.. btw,,WISH ME LUCK yow! prestasi sy skunx makin bagus la..ceh!papew pom.. sy ttp akn terus MaJu dan MajU dan Maju Dan Maju!!!we can't achieve what we wants if we never attempt.. itu prinsip sy!! okeyh la .. bubye yunk..
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:) ~RiNgaN-rInGaNkAn La TaNgaN tUk KoMen~ (: